كورس مفهوم سهل لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية
lynda Writing in Plain English
Awards are given for it. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has a handbook for it. A crystal mark can appear on it. And centers, campaigns, and organizations are devoted to helping accomplish it. What is the "it" in each of these? Plain English. Hi, I'm Judy. And in this course, I hope to help you be able to use it. That it again, Plain English. Even understanding the concept of Plain English can be, well, confusing. The formal definition of Plain English or Plain Language, is, "Language that emphasizes "clarity, brevity, and avoids technical language, "particularly in government and business communication." That definition may sound plain enough, and we usually recognize writing that is not clear and concise and realize when we've had a breakdown or a failure to communicate clearly
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