البرنامج فرش جديد ومفعل خالص :biggrin:
البرنامج مع الاضافات كاملة وبحجم كامل 4.17GB
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate (x86) RePack

وهذه صورة المحتوى

Software Version:
Official website: pinnaclesys.com
Language: Russian, English and other
Treatment: not required
System requirements
Windows 10, Windows 8.x, Windows 7, 64-bit OS highly recommended
Intel Core i3 or AMD A4 3.0 GHz or higher
Intel Core i5 or i7 1.06 GHz or higher required for AVCHD & Intel Quick Sync Video support
Intel Core i7 or AMD Athlon A10 or higher for UHD, Multi-Camera or 360 video
4 GB of RAM or higher, 8+GB highly recommended for UHD or Multi-Camera editing
DirectX graphics device recommended:
NVIDIA GeForce 200 series or newer (CUDA enabled required for CUDA support)
ATI 4xxx series or higher
Intel GMA X3000 series or higher
Intel GMA X3000 series or higher
HEVC (H.265) support requires Windows 10 and supporting PC hardware or graphics card
Minimum 256 MB VGA VRAM, 512 MB or higher recommended
Display resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher
Windows-compatible sound card (multi-channel output required for surround preview)
8GB HDD space for full installation
DVD burner for creating DVD and AVCHD discs
Additional components
drive for burning CDs in Video CD format or Super Video CD (S-VCD)
drive for burning a DVD and AVCHD
Sound card with surround sound, which is required for listening mixed in surround sound
Hollywood FX Vol. 1-3
Premium Pack Vol. 1-2
Scorefitter Vol. 1 -2
Creative Pack Volume 1
Title Extreme
NewBlue Effects
Official website: pinnaclesys.com
Language: Russian, English and other
Treatment: not required
System requirements
Windows 10, Windows 8.x, Windows 7, 64-bit OS highly recommended
Intel Core i3 or AMD A4 3.0 GHz or higher
Intel Core i5 or i7 1.06 GHz or higher required for AVCHD & Intel Quick Sync Video support
Intel Core i7 or AMD Athlon A10 or higher for UHD, Multi-Camera or 360 video
4 GB of RAM or higher, 8+GB highly recommended for UHD or Multi-Camera editing
DirectX graphics device recommended:
NVIDIA GeForce 200 series or newer (CUDA enabled required for CUDA support)
ATI 4xxx series or higher
Intel GMA X3000 series or higher
Intel GMA X3000 series or higher
HEVC (H.265) support requires Windows 10 and supporting PC hardware or graphics card
Minimum 256 MB VGA VRAM, 512 MB or higher recommended
Display resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher
Windows-compatible sound card (multi-channel output required for surround preview)
8GB HDD space for full installation
DVD burner for creating DVD and AVCHD discs
Additional components
drive for burning CDs in Video CD format or Super Video CD (S-VCD)
drive for burning a DVD and AVCHD
Sound card with surround sound, which is required for listening mixed in surround sound
Hollywood FX Vol. 1-3
Premium Pack Vol. 1-2
Scorefitter Vol. 1 -2
Creative Pack Volume 1
Title Extreme
NewBlue Effects

البرنامج مع متطلبات العمل مثل الفريم ورك والدايركت اكس
تحميل من سرفر البوابة
Bonus Content
تحميل من سرفر البوابة
MyDVD Content
تحميل من سرفر البوابة
Premium Packs
تحميل من سرفر البوابة

البرنامج مع متطلبات العمل مثل الفريم ورك والدايركت اكس
تحميل من سرفر البوابة
Bonus Content
تحميل من سرفر البوابة
MyDVD Content
تحميل من سرفر البوابة
Premium Packs
تحميل من سرفر البوابة
قبل التركيب: شوف الصورة المرفقة مع البرنامج حول التركيب + ملف readme.txt