Pluralsight - Parametric Modeling and Sketch Constraints in Inventor
Sketches and part modeling in a typical 3-4 day CAD class usually consumes
50% of the time, and a very important aspect of parametric CAD modeling is
constraints. In this course, Parametric Modeling and Sketch Constraints in
Inventor, you'll obtain clear understanding and mastery of sketch
constraints and part modeling. First, you'll start creating 2D sketches
and turning them into profiles, which in turn can be extruded into a 3D
model. Next, you'll progress into creation of multiple sketches, leading
to the realization of importance of sketch constraints. Finally, you'll be
modeling familiar 3D parts, putting sketch constraints into action. By the
end of this course, you'll be very comfortable and hungry for more complex
parametric parts and to move into assembly creation. Software required:
Autodesk Inventor 2016
50% of the time, and a very important aspect of parametric CAD modeling is
constraints. In this course, Parametric Modeling and Sketch Constraints in
Inventor, you'll obtain clear understanding and mastery of sketch
constraints and part modeling. First, you'll start creating 2D sketches
and turning them into profiles, which in turn can be extruded into a 3D
model. Next, you'll progress into creation of multiple sketches, leading
to the realization of importance of sketch constraints. Finally, you'll be
modeling familiar 3D parts, putting sketch constraints into action. By the
end of this course, you'll be very comfortable and hungry for more complex
parametric parts and to move into assembly creation. Software required:
Autodesk Inventor 2016