September 17, 2017, 11:23 am
Activation in Windows Ten
Activation helps verify that your copy of Windows is genuine and hasn’t been used on more devices than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow. Depending on how you got your copy of Windows 10, activation will use either a digital license or a 25-character product key.
Digital license (called a digital entitlement in Windows 10, Version 1511) is a method of activation
.in Windows 10 that doesn't require you to enter a product key
? How
Read this
Activations in Windows Ten
هذا الموضوع تم اعداده من مصدر موثوق وهو MicroSoft
راجع بنفسك
تجربة الطريقة الموجودة فى الينك بعد Read This بالاعلى من على جهازى + الترقية من ويندوز Seven الى Ten
ويمكن الترقية دون فقد التفعيل لنفس نوع الويندوز
مثلا Pro To Pro
September 17, 2017, 12:45 pm
مشكله اتعبتني جدا في هذا نظام المعقد اخترت نظام ابنتو كحل انجح للمبتدئين حيث كنت في سابق استخدم نظام لينوكس
وصارت عندي مشاكل خاصه في كرت شبكات تختفي عند استخدام برنامج fern البوتكس مثبته على فلاش USB دائم برستنيسpersistence
على العموم حاولت اكثر من عده محاولات لإصلاح المشكله كل محاولاتي باتت بالفشل
الان انا مع مشكله ابنتو قد تم تنصيبه في بجانب ويندوز 10 لكن عند الاقلاع يتم اقلاع ابنتو مباشره دون اظهار الويندوز اختياري
الان مشكلتي هي الباسورد في المره الاولى كان يعمل الواجهه بشكل ممتاز لكن عند تطبيق احد الدروس في اليوتوب عن اضافه اللغه
الويندوز والكيبورد حدثت معي هذي المشكله وانا احاول عده مرات بادخال باسورد لكن تطلع لي invalid password
طبقت جميع الخطوات من shift f1 وعملت recovery mode وحدثت باسورد ونجحت لكن عند اعاده تشغيل تظهر نفس مشكله
بالضبط الباسورد غلط
يا اخوان احتاج الى حذف روت الجذر
هل من خطوات لحل هذه المشكله
September 17, 2017, 12:48 pm
برنامج لعمل الصور لوحات فسيفساء
Legoaizer+ 5.0 Build 199 Multilingual
Lego enthusiasts have one more reason to rejoice, thanks to Legoaizer. The program is a handy tool for creating Lego brick layouts and mosaics out of regular pictures. Each of these models is comprised of various Lego bricks, colored to specifically match the overall look of your original image
September 17, 2017, 12:54 pm
إخوتي أعضاء وزوار منتدى داماس الكرام
تحية طيبة وبعد،،،
أسعد الله أوقاتكم أينما كنتم وبارك فيكم
مقاله اعجبتني فحبية اشاركها معك
توجد مرحلة في الحياه تدعى " المرحلة الملكية " Royal level !..
عندما تصل لهذه المرحلة، لن تجد نفسك مضطراً للخوض في أي نقاش أو جدال، ولو خضت فيه لن تحاول أن تثبت لمن يجادلك بأنه مخطئ ...
لو كذب عليك أحدهم ستتركه يكذب عليك، وبدل أن تشعره بأنك كشفته،
ستستمتع بشكله وهو يكذب مع أنك تعرف الحقيقه !..
ستدرك بأنك لن تستطيع إصلاح الكون، فالجاهل سيظل على حاله مهما كان مثقفاً، والغبي سيظل غبياً !..
سترمي كل مشاكلك وهمومك والأشياء التي تضايقك وراء ظهـرك وستكمل حياتك... نعم ستفكر في أشياء تضايقك من وقت لآخر ... ولكن لا تقلق؛ سترجع للمرحلة الملكية مرة أخرى ..
ستمشي في الشارع ملكاً؛ مبتسماً ابتسامةً ساخرة وأنت ترى الناس تتلوّن وتتصارع وتخدع بعضها من أجل أشياء لا لزوم ولا قيمة لها !..
ستعرف جيداً أن فرح اليوم لا يدوم وقد يكون مقدمة لحزن الغد والعكس !
سيزداد إيمانك بالقضاء والقدر، وستزداد يقيناً بأن الخيرة فيما اختاره الله لك ...
إذا وصلت يوماً لتلك المرحلة لا تحاول أن تغير من نفسك، فأنت بذلك قد أصبحت ملكاً على نفسك، واعياً جداً، ومطمئناً من داخلك !..
كلما تقدمنا في العمر زاد رشدنا، وأدركنا أننا إذا لبسنا ساعة ب300أو 3000 فستعطيك نفس التوقيت ..
وإذا امتلكنا (محفظة نقود) سعرها 30 أو 300 فلن يختلف ما في داخلها..
وإذا عشنا في مسكن مساحته 300 متر أو 3000 متر فإن مستوى الشعور بالوحدة واحد..
وفي النهاية سندرك أن السعادة لا تتيسر في الأشياء المادية؛ فسواء ركبت مقعد الدرجة الأولى أو الدرجة السياحية، فإنك ستصل لوجهتك في الوقت المحدد..
لذلك لا تحثوا أولادكم أن يكونوا أغنياء بل علموهم كيف يكونون أتقياء، وعندما يكبرون سينظرون إلى قيمة الأشياء لا إلى ثمنها..
سرعة الأيام مخيفة!! ما إن أضع رأسي على الوسادة إلا ويشرق نور الفجر، وما إن أستيقظ إلا ويحين موعد النوم..
تسير أيامنا و لا تتوقف!
وأقول في نفسي: حقاً، السعيد من ملأ صحيفته بالصالحات..
الأحداث تتسارع من حولنا، والأموات يتسابقون أمامنا..
إعملوا صالحا..
ألقوا السلام - رددوا مع الأذان -حافظوا على الصلوات - حصنوا أنفسكم - صلوا الأرحام - حافظوا على من يحبونكم بصدق - ابتسموا للناس - احفظوا شيئاً مِن القرآن - تصدقوا - سبّحوا - استغفروا كبروا - صُوموا - صلوا على النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام - علقوا قلوبكم بالآخرة فالدنيا لا تدوم على حال ولن تخلدوا فيها.
هذا المقال حاز على افضل مقال لعام2017
وتمت ترجمته لعدة لغات
September 17, 2017, 1:05 pm
ممكن رابط لتحميل برنامج 1 marvelous designer او marvelous designer 2 لانهم النسخ الوحيده الي احتمال تشتغل عندي للاسف ونا محتاجه البرنامج ده جدا:832::832::832:
شكرا جزيلا مقدما:like::like:
September 17, 2017, 1:08 pm
كورس أدوات الرسم في برنامج سوليد وركس
Lynda - Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Drawing Tools
Lynda - Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Drawing Tools
Size: 239 MB | Duration: 1h 16m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch
Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English
CSWPA-DT certification shows proof of SOLIDWORKS expertise—the type of cutting-edge skill that businesses seek out and reward. Everyone who passes the CSWPA-DT (Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Drawing Tools) exam has proven their mastery of the SOLIDWORKS drawing tools. This course prepares you to take the exam and stand out from the crowd in today's competitive job market. Gabriel Corbett shows you where to download the testing software, and goes through each of the objectives in detail, focusing on effective use of time and the most relevant knowledge needed to pass the exam. He covers creating complex projections and views, building a bill of materials (BOM), linking custom properties, adding notes and equations, and sorting and configuring the BOM. In the "Sample Exam Questions" chapter, he provides six sample questions and demonstrates how to address them using SOLIDWORKS.
Topics include:
Downloading the testing software
Working with drawing views
Accessing data in the bill of materials
Using equations with BOM data
Importing model items
Creating complex views
Sample exam questions and answers
September 17, 2017, 1:17 pm
Lynda – SOLIDWORKS: Importing Geometry From Other Applications
Size: 241 MB | Duration: 1h 15m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch
Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English
Even if you use SOLIDWORKS on your team, you may collaborate with people (inside or outside your company) who work with other CAD tools. In this course, David Antanavige shows you how to import non-SOLIDWORKS models, integrate them in your projects, and understand the limits of what you can do with them. This includes 3D formats such as IGES, STEP, Parasolid, and STL and 2D formats such as DWG and DXF. Plus, learn how to export the same file formats out of SOLIDWORKS.
Topics include:
Opening files from different versions of SOLIDWORKS
Importing models from online sources
Importing 3D files
Importing 2D files
Exporting 2D and 3D files
September 17, 2017, 1:18 pm
AeroAdmin 4.4 Build 2911 _ Portable
البرنامج تتواجد به خاصية ال File Manger و التى تسمح لك بنقل الملفات من حاسوب صديقك إلى حاسوبك أو العكس و لكن المميز حقا هو أنه يدعم إستئناف عملية النقل فى حالة إنقطاع الإتصال .
البرنامج يجمع بين معالجة البيانات و يستخدم خورازميات حديثة تحسن إلى حد كبير من جودة الصورة و عدد الفريمات ثى الثانية FPS مما يمنح المستخدم تجربة فريدة عند إستخدام البرنامج .
البرنامج متوافق مع جميع نسخ الويندوز و يدعم كلا النواتين 32 و 64 . من أبرز مميزات البرنامج هو نظام التشفير و الحماية المتقدم فالبرنامج يستخدم نظام AES+RSA للتشفير و يعد هذا النظام من أكثر الأنظمة المتقدمة فى التشفير و الأمن .
طريقة إستعمال البرنامج بسيطة فهى تشبه برنامج TeamViewer . حيث أن كل ما عليك فعله بعد فتح البرنامج هو نسخ ال ID الخاص بك و إعطائه لصديقك أو العكس ثم يقوم صديقك بوضع ال ID فى خانة Client ثم يضغط على Connect للبدأ فى عملية الإتصال .
Allow remote control:
In the left part there is unique hardware ID of your computer (Your ID).
1) Please tell this number to your admin.
2) Accept connection request in the new window (Picture 2).
Connect to remote computer:
1) Find out client ID (ID of a PC you want to connect to) by launching AeroAdmin on a remote computer.
2) Put the client ID in the corresponding field in the main window.
3) Choose connection mode and click "Connect" button.
Remote control session will start within seconds!
Picture 2 - Remote admin connection request window
remote admin request
Connection request window
Accept / reject of the remote connection:
1) Choose necessary access rights for the admin (view only, mouse and keyboard control etc).
2) If you wish to let the admin connect to your PC without manual accept, check "Save my choice for this admin" and click "Accept".
Note: To add the admin in "black list" check "Save my choice for this admin" and click "Reject"
حجم البرنامج : 2 MB
ترخيص البرنامج : محمول مجانى
توافق البرنامج :
All windows
AeroAdmin 4.4 Build 2911 _ Portable بالمرفقات
September 17, 2017, 1:26 pm
Lynda - SOLIDWORKS: Piping and Routing
Lynda - SOLIDWORKS: Piping and Routing
Size: 593 MB | Duration: 1h 55m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch
Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English
The SOLIDWORKS Premium package contains more complex piping and routing features, which enable designers to integrate piping and tubing early on, ensuring operability and serviceability and avoiding extra costs. This course teaches how to use the SOLIDWORKS Premium routing tools for piping and tubing applications. Start by learning exactly what routing is and how it is used. Instructor Erin Winick then explores making routes, sketching pipes, auto-routing, and editing piping. She adds coverings and features such as weld gaps and valves, and creates pipe drawings. She also covers designing with flexible tubing, which is measured, assembled, and routed differently than pipes. After completion of this course, users should understand all basic functionality of piping and routing in SOLIDWORKS, including the related parts libraries.
Topics include:
Sketching pipe in 3D
Routing and auto-routing pipe
Splitting and deleting pipe
Adding weld gaps, slope, and penetration points
Preparing pipe drawings
Sketching and routing tubes
September 17, 2017, 1:39 pm
Get Started with SOLIDWORKS Surface Modeling
Get Started with SOLIDWORKS Surface Modeling
Size: 189.53 MB | Duration: 1 hr 16 mins | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1024x768 15fps | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch
Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English | + Exercise files
SOLIDWORKS is one of the leading 3D CAD softwares in the world. This course will help you understand and use surfaces in your everyday modeling.
Have you ever wondered why anyone would even want to use surfacing or how you'd even start? If so, this course is just what you're looking for. In this course, Get Started with SOLIDWORKS Surface Modeling, you'll learn how to use SOLIDWORKS surfacing to create and shape your models. These tools work not just models created in SOLIDWORKS, but even on imported geometry.
First, you'll explore how to modify and repair models with no feature history instead of attempting to recreate them. Next, you'll discover how to evaluate your models before even manufacturing a prototype. Finally, you'll see ways to improve the way surfaces blend together to create just the look you are striving for. By the end of this course, you'll be able to make more complex models and easily make changes to existing models with much more efficiency using SOLIDWORKS surfacing.
Software required for the course: SOLIDWORKS.
September 17, 2017, 1:45 pm
SOLIDWORKS: Design for Mill Manufacturing
SOLIDWORKS: Design for Mill Manufacturing
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2 Hours 15M | 379 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Design for Mill Manufacturing will introduce you to concepts that promote intelligent design intent. Learning the fundamentals of milling requirements and intelligent design will make your parts ready for the world! Software Required: SOLIDWORKS.
Designing for Mill Manufacturing requires intelligent design intent. This course, SOLIDWORKS: Design for Mill Manufacturing, begins by discussing some basic machining techniques. First, you'll learn considerations to make before designing a part. Next, you will work through a machined bracket design from the ground up focusing on good modeling practices, intelligent features, and DFM considerations. Finally, you will discover the DFMXpress product as well as receive a basic overview of the Costing and Sustainability Utilities included. When you're finished with this course, you'll be ready to start designing products for Mill Manufacturing. Software Required: SOLIDWORKS.
September 17, 2017, 2:10 pm
Lynda - Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal
Intermediate | 1h 34m | 292 MB | Project Files | Software used: SOLIDWORKS
Title: Lynda – Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal
Info: Demonstrate to employers that you understand the set of SOLIDWORKS tools that aid in the design of sheet metal components by completing the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Sheet Metal (CSWPA-SM) exam. CSWPA-SM certification shows proof of your expertise, and indicates that you have the kind of cutting-edge skills that businesses seek out and reward. In this course, Gabriel Corbett prepares you to take the CSWPA-SM exam. Gabriel begins by covering the exam requirements and sharing testing techniques. He then dives into specific, relevant concepts that will refresh your knowledge and prepare you to pass the test, including how to work with edge flanges, miter flanges, hems, jogs, flat patterns, bend tables, and custom properties. He also shows how to build several of the parts from the sample exam, and takes you through building, modifying, and verifying a model
September 17, 2017, 2:19 pm
SOLIDWORKS: Consumer Product Surfacing Design Techniques
Duration 3h 44m Project Files Included MP4
SOLIDWORKS: Consumer Product Surfacing Design Techniques
Even with advances in technology, security is still at the top of every company’s minds. In this course, Securing and Protecting Macs, you’ll learn how to protect your equipment and your sensitive data from the outside world. First, you’ll learn how to protect your Mac from malware. Next, you’ll delve into keeping your operating system and apps up to date to minimize vulnerabilities. Finally, you’ll cover how to protect data from a remote user using a VPN. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to use the security features of OS X to secure and help prevent data loss within your environment
September 17, 2017, 2:39 pm
السادة الأفاضل فى هذا المنتدى الرائع
بدأت أولى خطوات تعلم برنامج الفوتوشوب بدون أى معرفة سابقة بيه بعد تصفح موضوعات المنتدى
إعتمدت فى الأساس على المواضيع المتاحة هنا من الإدارة والأعضاء فلكم منى كل الشكر
بدأت فى تصميم أول لوجو ولكن طبعا لأنى مازلت فى البداية فياريت حكمكم يبقى عليه هين شوية
ويا ريت لو تساعدونى فى الوصول لتصميم إحترافى ببيانات الصورة المرفق ورفعه لى فى تعليق بحيث يكون مفتوح للتعديل
و لكم منى جزيل الشكر
September 17, 2017, 2:44 pm
SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Linear Static Assembly Analysis
SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Linear Static Assembly Analysis
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hours | 626 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Linear static stress analysis of an assembly is a core element of the design process. This course will teach you how to set up and run a linear static stress analysis of an assembly. Software required: SOLIDWORKS 2017.
To complete a linear static analysis of an assembly in SOLIDWORKS Simulation, many steps need to be followed. In this course, SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Linear Static Assembly Analysis, you will be guided through each of these steps to ensure accuracy from start to finish. First, you will see the basics of Finite Element Analysis. From there, you will complete the setup of materials, connections, fixtures, loads, and mesh. After you run the analysis, you will interpret the results. After completing this course, setting up and running a linear static stress analysis on an assembly will be much easier and you will be prepared to do it on your own in the future. Software required: SOLIDWORKS 2017.
September 17, 2017, 2:47 pm
SOLIDWORKS Mold Tools: 3D Printing a Mold
Duration 1h 18m Project Files Included MP4
SOLIDWORKS Mold Tools: 3D Printing a Mold
Want to test out your rubber part design without paying for an expensive one-off sample from a model shop? This course will show you how to do this. In this course, SOLIDWORKS Mold Tools: 3D Printing a Mold, you’ll learn how to design a part so that it can easily molded and 3D printed. First, you’ll start off with using SOLIDWORKS to prepare your design and making sure it will be easier to remove from your printed mold. Next, you’ll leverage the SOLIDWORKS Mold Tools features Parting Line, Parting Surface, Shut Off Surface, and Tooling Split to create the core and cavity of your mold. Finally, you’ll see how to use Smooth-On 2-part silicone rubber compound inside your 3D printed mold. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll know how to make your own injection molds in SOLIDWORKS, 3D print them, and inject them yourself to create accurate and useful rubber prototypes. Software required: SOLIDWORKS
September 17, 2017, 2:54 pm
Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Motion
Duration 1h 30m Project Files Included MP4
Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Motion
Conducting detailed motion analysis and evaluating the mechanical performance of your design using CAD-embedded SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS Motion, and finite element analysis (FEA) is a great way to further your SOLIDWORKS knowledge. This course, Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Motion, covers all of the basics in creating “Basic Motion” and “Motion Analysis” Studies in SOLIDWORKS. First, you’ll mainly focus on understanding the differences between Assembly Motion and a Motion Study. Next, you’ll explore the common Motion Analysis use cases. Once the basics are covered, you will create a Motion Analysis during your animation to get detailed contact reaction forces and analyze the stress/strain/FOS of your components. After completing this course, users will be comfortable with setting up Motion Studies and analyzing their results. Software Required: SOLIDWORKS
September 17, 2017, 2:59 pm
SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Save Time with Simplification Methods
Duration 1h 21m Project Files Included MP4
SOLIDWORKS Simulation – Save Time with Simplification Methods
When using structural simulation, designers and engineers primarily determine the strength and stiffness of a product by reporting component stress and deformation. There are three segments involved in producing outputs that can be used in your design process, pre-processing, calculation time, and post-processing. In this course, SOLIDWORKS Simulation – Save Time with Simplification Methods, you’ll be introduced to five major techniques to reduce your calculation time. First, you’ll learn symmetry methods whether through modeling or through simulation, and how to use 3D and 2D symmetry restraints. Next, you’ll cover contact conditions, hardware considerations, mesh types, and solver choices while comparing solve times for each scenario. This will provide you with useful metrics going forward. Additionally, you’ll explore the pre- and post-processing segments, and make those segments more efficient. The aim is to reduce time spent while mouse tracking. Finally, you’ll see SOLIDWORKS CAD tools that are very useful when applied to simulation setup. By the end of this course, you’ll know the top five ways to reduce your calculation time, and efficiency techniques to speed up your pre- and post-processing time. Software required: SOLIDWORKS
September 17, 2017, 3:26 pm
Lynda - SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress
Get introduced to SimulationXpress by learning both the basics of simulation and advanced model preparation steps. This course shows you how to create and run simulations so you can evaluate the function and strength of your models. Learn how to identify which parts of your designs need additional modifications—using stress testing, displacement values, and factor of safety results. See how to apply improvements and reassess the iterations you make to ultimately ensure your works are solid.
Topics include:
Simulation workflows and options
Xpress vs. Simulation vs. Sim pro
Fixtures, loads, materials, and mesh
Running a simulation
Reviewing stress, displacement, and factor of safety
Updating and iterating
Producing reports
Model preparation
Simulating multiple parts
Importing assemblies as parts
September 17, 2017, 3:48 pm
Lynda - SOLIDWORKS: Advanced Tools
SOLIDWORKS—a leading 3D solid modeling software—boasts a vast array of tools that can help you build better designs and spot errors that you might ordinarily miss. In this course, get acquainted with some of the more advanced manufacturing verification and simulation tools that are available in SOLIDWORKS, and discover how you can leverage them to efficiently review your assemblies and parts for errors. Instructor Gabriel Corbett walks through a variety of time-saving tools that can help you save money and time on your projects, including Interference Detection, Clearance Verification, Hole Alignment, Costing, Part Reviewer, and part and assembly Performance Evaluation. As he goes step-by-step through each tool, Gabriel shares real world examples that help to provide context for each feature.
Topics include:
Using the Interference Detection tool
Using the Clearance Verification tool
Using the Draft Analysis tool
Using the Deviation Analysis tool
Comparing documents
Using the DFMXpress Analysis tool
Using the Part Reviewer
Using the Check Active Document tool
Assembly Visualization