Soil Mechanics provides civil engineering students with a clear understanding of the nature of soil and its behaviour, offering an insight into the application of principles to engineering solutions. In keeping with industry changes, this updated 3rd edition now incorporates Eurocodes with worked examples to demonstrate the theory in use
Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xiv
Soil Formation and Nature....Pages 1-11
Soil Description and Classification....Pages 12-35
Permeability and Seepage....Pages 36-69
Effective Stress and Pore Pressure....Pages 70-90
Contact Pressure and Stress Distribution....Pages 91-103
Compressibility and Consolidation....Pages 104-129
Shear Strength....Pages 130-167
Shallow Foundations — Stability....Pages 168-191
Shallow Foundations — Settlements....Pages 192-219
Pile Foundations....Pages 220-239
Lateral Earth Pressure and Design of Retaining Structures....Pages 240-273
Slope Stability....Pages 274-302
Earthworks and Soil Compaction....Pages 303-327
Site Investigation....Pages 328-349
Back Matter....Pages 350-365