Smadav June 2016 Pro v10.7
فعلا من اخطر واروع برامج حماية الفلاشات والجهاز لن تحتاج بجانبه لاى مضاد فلاشات
برنامج حماية أندونيسي مميز وقوي جدا لحذف الفيروسات من الفلاشات المصابة بالفيروسات بكافة انواعها ويوفر حماية للكمبيوتر من الاصابة او من انتقال الفيروسات من الفلاشة الى الكمبيوتر وحماية للجهاز بشكل عام.
SmadAV Pro 2016 10.7
SmadAV is antivirus for additional protection of your computer, USB stick total protection and thoroughly cleaning widespread virus.You Can Use It As an additional antivirus for extra protection.It Defends unknown programs from running on background & it does not affect your computers performance.It provides decent antivirus protection, even if its scans take a while to finish up. It offers proactive protection in addition to some neat security features that protect your computer from onsite saboteurs. There arent many unturned stones in the world of antivirus software, though, and this program doesnt seem to find any of them.So Here we came with latest version working activator.So Use it & add an extra shield of protection to your device
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